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The Southern Times

FEATURE Water, energy still a pipedream for many Africans By Staff Reporter on 1st July 2016 By Thandisizwe Mgudlwa An opportunity for African governments to provide water, energy and other services to those in need and control speedy urbanisation to the continent’s cities could be on the horizon. It is a well-known fact that an emerging region like Southern Africa is hamstrung by the overwhelming influx of thousands of its rural citizens yearly – to its poorly resourced cities – by people in search of a ‘better life’. This is compounded by the thousands of illegal immigrants from other African countries...

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The Southern Times

FEATURED Southern Africa stabilising the higher education sector By Staff Reporter on 22nd June 2016 By Thandisizwe Mgudlwa “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.”- Solomon Ortiz And according to the Southern African Development Community (SADC), since the 1960s, enrolment rates in education throughout Southern Africa continue to skyrocket at all the different spheres of the system. From primary education right through to tertiary and post-graduate level, Southern Africa shows great promise and a brighter future, as countries re-double their efforts to develop their education sectors. With the...

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